Volunteer with the Friends of Tettegouche!

Overview & Instructions

Tettegouche State Park requires all of their volunteers to annually submit the following forms:

Volunteer Agreement Form

In addition, if you will be working with the public as a DNR Volunteer or if the Friends activity requires it, you must also submit a

Volunteer Background Check


This page will step you through the registration process.  You will be asked to download the forms (pdf), complete and save the forms and then upload the completed/signed forms. 


Data Privacy:  The forms that you upload will be electronically forwarded to the appropriate Tettegouche/DNR staff when you complete the submission process.  The Friends of Tettegouche will receive notice that you submitted the forms, but we do not receive, review or keep a copy of your forms.  If you have concerns about data privacy, contact DNR Human Resources at the number they provide on their website.


If you need to update/change any information on your forms, you can use this page again to upload the updated forms.

If you have any issues using this page or questions on the file upload process, contact Jill Beim.  If you have questions regarding the forms or DNR policies for volunteers, please contact Katie Foshay at Tettegouche (218/353-8806)

Begin Volunteer Registration

Before you begin, you will want to have handy:

Your Driver’s License
(if it is determined you must submit a background check AND ONLY if the volunteer position will be assigned driving duties)

Please Note: if you are unable to complete all the steps at one time, you can use the “SAVE and CONTINUE” button to save the steps you have completed.  A link will be emailed to you so that you can come back at a later time and complete the process.

We recommend completing the forms on a PC/laptop.  The PDF forms that you must fill out are difficult to read on a mobile device.