
Trail Steward Information Help Tettegouche State Park care for its hiking trails.

With over 23 miles of hiking trails within the park, we are seeking volunteers to help to do small maintenance and trail condition reporting. Becoming a Trail Steward is a wonderful way to contribute to our beautiful state parks by assisting in small brush clearing, trail condition reporting and the potential for other small improvement projects. Trail reports will be passed to park maintenance crews for prioritizing work.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help with the trail segments that have been colored on the map below. All the segments are in the area of Tettegouche camp (parking lot off of Lax Lake Road) and are about 1 mile long. One or two segments might be more accessible from the High Falls parking lot. Please note that the blue and orange segments near Nicado Lake will be the most difficult terrain and the most work involved. Note also that some segments will require you to hike about 2 miles before getting to the segment that needs work.

      1. Blue Segment: from the service road to Tettegouche Camp to Mt. Baldy and Nicado Lake.
      2. Orange Segment: from Nicado Lake to Nipisiquit Lake.
      3. Purple Segment: Papasay Ridge loop.
      4. Yellow Segment: from the service road to Tettegouche Camp to Lax and Cedar Lakes.
      5. Red Segment: from Cedar Lake to Tettegouche Camp.
      6. Green Segment: from Tettegouche Camp to Hawk Hill Spur.


If you are interested in volunteering as a trail steward, send an email to Lowell Palecek, at president@friendsoftettegouche.org. Include your name, email address, and if willing, a textable phone number. Also include what trail segment you would prefer.


    • Fill out a Volunteer Agreement Form if you haven’t already and hand-in to a staff member (or submit online).
    • Make staff aware when you will be going out, what section you’re working on, how long you plan to be out.
      • Can just send Grace an Email or leave a voicemail
    • Be sure to wear proper PPE before heading out.
    • Get your tools ready (hand saws, loppers, sawsalls, etc.)
      • Unfortunately, we cannot have volunteers use chainsaws.
    • Perform work safely within your comfort level.
    • Follow up with park staff and inform them of the work you did and what the conditions were.
What to do:
    • Clear minor brush and branches interfering with the trail.
      • We would like trails cleared with 2 ft. extra cleared off each side.
        • Essentially, you should be able to walk down the trail with your arms straight out and/or straight up and not hit anything.
    • Clear out water bars if needed.
    • Sweep off stairs, bridges, boardwalks, etc. if needed.
    • Report on trail conditions. (location & photos if possible) (A map with a description is super helpful!)
      • Extensive obstructions, downed trees, or large branches blocking the trail.
      • Damaged, missing, or needed signs. A sign is needed if it’s hard to tell which way to go.
      • Other walkability of durability concerns.
      • Water bars, foot bridges, or culverts in poor condition.
    • Report to park staff what work you performed along with a map and/or photos of what needs to be done.
    • We ask that you visit your segment of trail at least 2 times during the season (spring-fall) and any time after really bad weather events.
Personal Protective Equipment (items we would recommend)
    • Safety glasses
    • Safety gloves
    • Long sleeves
    • Long pants
    • Hard Hats
    • Close-toed boots with good traction
    • Sunscreen
    • Bug Spray
    • Tick protection