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Artist Reception for Rick Love

March 7 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

Rick Love is a Saint Paul, MN-based artist who has exhibited nationally and internationally. He works across a wide range of mediums and materials, but for this exhibition at the Tettegouche Visitor Center, he focuses on wood as a means of celebrating trees, woodlands, and forests “not just as sources of beauty and inspiration, but as powerful models of sustainability. The titles of the works: The New Moon, The Sun, High Falls, Lake Superior, The Tree serve as both a description of the show and an expression of its essence. 

Come and meet Rick during his opening reception on March 7th in the Tettegouche Visitor Center from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.  His works will be on display throughout the month of March.


March 7
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Event Category:


Kurt Mead

Tettegouche Visitor Center

5702 Highway 61
Silver Bay, MN 55614 United States
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