Nature Play Area

At its very best, nature play isn’t scheduled, planned, or led by adults, nor is it confined by grown-ups’ rules.  Instead, it’s open-ended, free-time exploration and recreation, without close adult supervision. Plans are underway to develop and construct a Nature Play Area at Tettegouche State Park. Our goal is to provide several areas within the nature play area that actively engages kids with nature and its elements, provides opportunities for physical activity, social and imaginary play. Learn more about Nature Play…

As you’ll see from our current plan, the construction is divided into 3 phases.  Due to Covid, construction plans were delayed. But this summer we are doing our best to catch up!  We are currently working on Phases 1 and 2, specifically areas A, B, C, D, F & G.  Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions about the project.

Goals & Objectives

Create a nature play area where children of all ages, abilities and backgrounds play and learn by engaging with and manipulating natural elements, materials, and habitats.

    • Include a variety of components to appeal to children ages 2-12
    • Incorporate play structures that are engaging and encourage creative play. exploration and self-interpretation
    • Integrate the play area into the natural aesthetic of the park

Expand on the existing paths to connect natural play components, such as the stream, stick building areas and climbing obstacles.

Incorporate inherent environmental education and conservation themes into the natural play experience.

Implement new signage that indicates trail/component usage and entrance locations.

Entrance signage may include rules for maintaining safety and encouraging acceptable impact on natural resources.

Explore the Nature Play Area Elements

Below you can explore the elements we plan to provide.  The letters above the photo gallery will allow you to filter the images by the area defined on the map.  For example, clicking on “A” will show you images/info for area A – Cedar Grove. Hover over the image for a brief description. Click on the magnifying glass to enlarge the image.

Would you like to help us construct the Nature Play Area?

Work dates have been planned for summer 2022.
If you would like to help us in the construction of the nature play area, please fill out the form below.  We’ll notify you of upcoming work dates.

Where do you live?(Required)
Note: you will be added to the newsletter email list to keep you informed on general progress of the play area. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time.
Your phone number will not be shared with anyone. It will only be used to contact you about the construction of the nature play area.

Our Work in Progress